Electric Bikes A Go Go

Experience the new way to ride bicycles on ELECTRIC BIKES A GO GO guided tours! Our transport van delivers eBikes to the waterfront Greenport Fourth Street MTA Parking Lot (adjacent to the Greenport ferry dock) where we meet our guests for a half-day Shelter Island eBike Experience Tour.

Or, book a PRIVATE TOUR and we’ll deliver the eBikes directly to your Shelter Island location for the start and finish of the tour!

Our eBikes ride just like regular bicycles — only better. You pedal normally and the battery gives extra power whenever you want it. You can ride farther and longer than you ever thought possible on our very comfortable — and amazingly FUN- electric bikes!

You can also sign up for our other popular tours: Montauk Point Electric Bike Experience and Sagaponack Sunset Electric Bike Experience.