Shelter Island Early Childhood Learning Center

32 North Ferry Road
PO Box 1095
Shelter Island Heights, NY 11965

631-749-0805 extension 4

Shelter Island Early Childhood Learning Center offers Reggio-Emilia-inspired curricula based in and around the natural world. The programs, for children ages 2+, combine a child’s own wonder and innate curiosities with intentional provocations that can cultivate a rich and magical beginning.

Using multiple senses to explore the modality by which children best understand the information that is presented to them creates the necessary cognitive connections and associations while fostering a holistic environment from which to learn.

The preschool is a parent cooperative, which helps keep tuition low. Early learners are challenged to explore with a hands-on investigation in science through the use of natural materials in art and the environment that surrounds them. The goal is to respond to their interests to create a sense of wonder and passion for their own learning.